Realign to Your Design

What you experience is meant to grow and mature you from the inside out. Realigning takes time and intentionality. Like a car that is out of alignment, it is difficult to stay in your lane. The car wants to go it’s own way. It can be very dangerous. To realign to your design you must stay in step with God’s plan, going where He shows you to go, doing what He tells you to do. He is your creator, so He knows how you are designed. He knows what is helpful and what is harmful. He also knows where you need to grow. The calling He has for you requires that you give him control, to form and shape you, so you are equipped to live out the assignment He has for you. God’s desire is that your character matches the calling on your life. Each time you surrender what you want, for what God desires for you, there is alignment. God cares more about who you are becoming than what you can do for him. Like a potter, he is molding you and shaping you to be more like him everyday. God, your maker, wants what is best for you so he can use you in His plan and for His purposes. His ways are not our ways. Going where God shows you to go can be scary. I like to recall the quote by Rebekah Lyons in Rhythms of Renewal, “Bravery is moving scared.” Sometimes you just have to keep moving even if the way forward is not clear. Because God is God you can’t always understand His way of getting you to align to who He wants you to be and to do what He wants you to do. Comfort kills progress! Our comfort isn’t really what God is after. He wants your heart! Your job is to stay connected, then you will experience more clarity and confidence that can only come through your relationship with God. This alignment is what helps you to discern the steps to take in life. As you take steps of faith, you can trust in knowing God is in control. With each adjustment you make in your life, yielding to God’s plan over yours you will begin to realign your design to HIS! For more help read these scriptures: Proverbs 16:9, Psalm 16:11, Ephesians 2: 8-10


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