The Call to Go:

Paul's Missionary Journey and our Calling Collide

Written by Diane Hakes

November 5, 2021

Back in September we received the call, the actual phone call, to take a trip to Greece in the place of our friends, who chose us to go in their place as a gift! To say that we were shocked and in utter disbelief is an understatement. We immediately began praying for signs of confirmation and favor to help clear the path to get us there. God, in His faithfulness, obliged...beyond measure!

The first confirmation, after checking that our passports were up to date, was the picture on my vision board of the boat with the blue water that was placed there back in January 2021. Not to mention the words placed all around this particular picture, which now made total sense. Words like Dream, Retreat, Gathering Place, Discover the Unexpected, Savor the Seasons, Faith Factor, Epic Story. The list goes on and on! It was clear, the plan, as God would have it, was already in motion. He knew I needed visuals to be sure it was Him leading and sending us and not our fleshly desires.

We love to travel and have dreamed of traveling in this season of our lives, not just for pleasure, but for Kingdom work. The trip to Greece was clearly set up for that! A cruise ship of mainly Jesus followers, led by Jesus followers, to help us replenish our strength and walk in our purpose, following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul. We knew right at the moment of the invitation that this was beyond a pleasure cruise, but for the purpose of furthering the work of the Kingdom by connecting and collaborating with the people God would place before us. This is how He multiplies and expands His Kingdom here on earth.

The second sign was as clear as the blue sky in which it appeared. A huge white cross against a brilliant blue sky. Just like the Greek flag itself! Just 36 hours after The Call, I see this cross while driving up the road toward our home early in the morning. God wanted it to be seen and His will known, to answer the Call to go to Greece to do His work!

The third sign was just as evident, just not visible to the eye. Todd needed to get approval for the time off. Not only did he get approval from all his "bosses", he got much favor! They told him he had to go as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. They were cheering him on as he told the story of how this came to be, giving God the glory the entire time.

More signs and wonders continued to come in the weeks leading up to this journey. One in particular was so obvious it was hard to believe. A friend called out of the blue saying we had been on her mind the past few days! She said she had to tell me about a vision she was having. She saw us traveling around the globe and pictured us in a boat! I couldn't believe what I was hearing and when I told her what was going to happen, she couldn't believe what she was hearing! She was thrilled that not only was the vision coming true, it was about to happen in just three weeks!

In the midst of all of this excitement and preparation, the part of this journey that most excited me was getting to walk where Paul walked, preached the gospel, and encouraged the people of his day. This was the best part of what was about to take place in my mind. So I quickly ordered some books, eager to study and know more before going to these places.

The books came, three books to read and one bible study. I had already begun the bible to study, To Live is Christ by Beth Moore, even though I was sure I had done this many years prior, I knew it was going to be new to me for this season anyway. More on that later!

The other books came and I chose one to start on right away as well, the title attracted me,

it was entitled THE CALL by Adam Hamilton...of course! As I began reading this book it wasn't long before I sensed that the author was referring to many of the same things we were told we would be experiencing on this journey. Digging deeper I found this was exactly right! In the back of the book the author dedicated a page of gratitude to the travel group who made the trip he described possible. In fact, this was the very same group we would be traveling with to the same places!! wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for the many signs and wonders we had been given already. God is so good not to let us miss a thing as long as we are looking for it! As my dear friend says, "Look for it, don't work for it." He is faithful to show us if we just seek Him first!

So, we are home now, two weeks after setting sail just like Paul did. I am still reeling from the experience as well as battling some major jet lag. I'll write more about the actual trip in upcoming posts, but for now I want to end with how God continues to reveal his plans and purposes to us. This morning I picked back up with the bible study by Beth Moore. It was very timely what I was to read and respond to today. It was really thought provoking about how we have been called to this time and place. As I closed the book and was pondering some of these things, the cover of the book caught my attention like it was the first time I had seen it! This is hard to believe as I had the picture of that cover in my mind as I remembered it from years past and that is how I knew to order that particular study! Anyway, on the cover is a picture of one of the blue domed churches we stood in front of and took many photos of on the island of Santorini! Of course it was, because only God could be so kind as to use the very same picture! Again, He wanted to make the path before me so crystal clear as I walk out the next steps of my missionary journey with Him. I know He is leading me every step of the way. People of God... please know that the Call is real, we need only to answer and follow wherever He chooses to take us. Look for it, don't work for it!


Beautiful Pathways


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